Saturday, 2 May 2020

Good Oral Hygiene can protect against COVID-19

Did you know that practicing good oral hygiene can help fight off some of the viruses and diseases that are out there including potentially COVID-19?  Yes, our teeth and gums are important, but the mouth is also the initial line of defense that’s used against infectious bacteria, such as viruses, including COVID-19.  But, brushing your teeth does remove bacteria which is harmful and prevents it from invading you.  Saliva also contains antibacterial and antiviral proteins which will fight infections.

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to many healthcare issues including diabetes and heart disease. Not enough care routines can also mean that the bacteria and viruses will spread a whole lot more, and there are chances that it could reach the bloodstream there too.

Oral care routines are a big step to overall health, and it’s something that you have complete control over.  This is the best time for you to work on this, to have a healthier smile and start using better habits.

So how can you keep your mouth healthy and protect it from this? well first, wash your hands before and after you brush and floss.  Make sure to store it properly and keep it away from other parts of the household to stop the spread of germs. Make sure to disinfect the toothbrush, and try to sterilize it as much as you can. Make sure to add antibacterial mouthwash to your routine, and also replace it every few months, or after you’re sick.
This can be a life-threatening emergency, and a lot of ER professionals aren’t equipped to handle the pain.  Dentists will help treat dental problems easily, and it can be a good thing for you. If you go to the ER with a dental emergency, chances are they wont’ see you for it, but if you see a dentist, they have the technology to help take care of it.

That’s why, in order to protect yourself you should take care of your oral health immediately. One problem some people have is getting into the dentist’s office, but now, you should definitely consider taking time and ensuring that you protect yourself right away, and understand that while social distancing and the like are good, forming a good oral hygiene routine will help you even more, and protect you from some of the viruses and diseases which are out there, that can wreck your body as well.

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